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7 Reasons You Need to Include Owner Information on Your About Page

A lot of business owners hide behind their websites. Learn why it's important for you to include information about yourself and your team on your about page.

As business owners, we all know how important it is to make a connection with our customers and find common ground. In any service based industry, having that personal connection is a key factor in who we choose to do business with. That’s why it is so interesting to me that a lot of business owners tend to hide behind their websites.

In a post about the 4 Most Important Pages on Your Website, Hubspot highlighted the About page as being the second most important page – right behind the homepage of a website. This is because people want to know who they are doing business with, what the business is about, and find commonalities between themselves and the business owner. 

That’s why it always surprises me when I go to a website and can’t find the business owner, staff, or any real humans on the site. For me, that is a big red flag. When we work with clients on their new websites we always encourage them to share a picture of themselves with a bio, any community involvement, and an interesting tidbit or two about themselves to make it personal.

For web designers, this trend seems to be even stronger as a lot of companies don’t share any personal information on their websites. For me, this is an opportunity as I enjoy making connections with potential clients in my community, and you never know who you might share common connections with. In line with my thoughts on this practice, here’s a link to my personal page:

Here are seven additional reasons why having your information on your website is could be great for your business.

1. Establishes a connection between the business owner and the website visitor

Establishing a connection between a business owner and website visitor can be beneficial for many reasons. It provides the visitor with an understanding of who is behind the business. The owner’s name, photo, and brief biography can lend a personal touch to the website experience and help establish trust between the two parties. Additionally, seeing owner information on a website allows the visitor to reach out directly if needed. This adds another layer of customer service that often encourages potential customers to take action or choose their business over its competitors. 

2. Humanizes the brand to build trust with the customer

By showcasing the information of the owner and their team on a website, companies are actively engaging with their customers and building trust. Seeing the human faces behind the name creates a sense of familiarity that encourages consumers to feel comfortable with transacting with the business. Business owners and team members should use this as an opportunity to share in-depth details about their qualifications, industry expertise, customer reviews and awards/recognition received. Including accessible contact information is also an important feature to ensure customers feel they can reach out whenever needed during their customer journey. By sharing these relevant pieces of information on a website, companies are not only reinforcing people’s trust but also demonstrating transparency and openness in the way they conduct business.

3. Helps customers quickly identify who is behind the company

Providing owner information on a website can help create transparency for stakeholders, helping to solidify their trust in the company. Providing an official biography or statement of credentials issued by the website owner can build confidence that the company is reputable and trustworthy. Customers may prefer companies that are open and honest about who is behind them, so including this information prominently can encourage users to browse deeper into what the company offers and potentially become customers. Similarly, having knowledge of who owns the company may discourage potential competitors from entering the market. Ultimately, by providing this critical data on the website, it will attract new customers and help the business remain competitive.

4. Adds authenticity to any claims or commitments made about the product or service

Having owner information readily available on a website adds a sense of trust and legitimacy to a business. It can provide customers with an insight into the people behind the brand, and how they are striving to help bring value. Additionally, it gives an impression that the customer’s interests are taken seriously by being transparent with who is responsible for their service or product. This kind of transparency eases a customer’s mind and implies that the business is confident in what it does. In a digital world, having owner or leadership information displayed on a website helps visitors gain confidence in the resources they are finding, inspiring potential customers to become paying customers. Ultimately, including this information builds trust and allows businesses to stand out from the competition while maintaining an honest representation of themselves online.

5. Gives customers an idea of what kind of values are upheld by the business owner

Customers care about a business owner’s values because it shows a commitment to quality. At the end of the day, how something is made matters, and customers want to make sure that the product or service they’re purchasing aligns with their own standards for ethics and morality. When a business owner openly shares their values, it gives customers an understanding of the purpose behind what they are buying. Knowing that these products are designed with sustainable practices in mind or there is an emphasis on giving back to the community can give them a sense of pride when they choose to support that particular business. Values demonstrate connections between businesses and customers; they provide consistent expectations in support of sustainable relationships.

6. Encourages customers to reach out and connect directly with the business owner

Having owner information listed on a website offers customers the chance to make a direct connection to the person behind the business. This can lead to more meaningful conversations and help ensure that their voice is heard. Customers appreciate knowing there is an actual human being managing the business, rather than feeling lost in an endless sea of automated messages. Likewise, having an easy way for customers to find out more about who helps run the business can also build consumer trust and loyalty. In today’s increasingly digital world, offering customers access to owner information can be an empowering tool as well as provide valuable insight into how their concerns are being addressed.

7. Makes it easier for customers to refer friends or family members 

It has been proven time and again that if customers are familiar with the person behind a business, they are much more likely to refer friends and family to that business. A customer’s trust in the brand can be strengthened when they know the face behind the business, which is especially important in certain industries such as retail or hospitality. Consumers generally like to feel connected to products and services they use, so knowing who is responsible for providing that product or service can engender loyalty. If a customer has had positive contact with an owner or founder of a business, referrals will follow naturally and may even result in repeat custom. Ultimately, understanding that people appreciate interacting with real people instead of faceless businesses can open up valuable opportunities for you and your company.


If you’re not leveraging your About page to connect with your customers and create that personal connection, you could be missing out on key opportunities for business growth. Make sure potential customers can get to know you by including an about section on your website – complete with photos and information about your team. Highlight what makes your business unique and tell visitors what they can expect when working with you. By creating a personal connection with your website visitors, you’ll increase the chances that they’ll do business with you down the road.

Reach out to us if you need help adding your information to your website by filling out our contact form.


Picture of Mark Hallman

Mark Hallman

Mark works with business to engage their audiences online via targeted marketing campaigns, conversion based websites, and ongoing measurement and optimization.

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