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Crucial Questions for a Website Redesign: What You Need to Ask Yourself

website redesign

Are you getting ready to redesign your website? It can be an exciting yet daunting task with so much to consider. Knowing the right questions to ask before the design process begins is the key to a successful end product. In this blog, we’ll discuss the important questions you should ask when you start the website design process and why they’re so essential. From what features will be included in the redesign to how long it will take and who’s responsible for each task, it’s essential that these questions are asked and addressed upfront in order for your site to turn out exactly how you want it. Let’s dive into understanding why these questions are so important and what information you need from them.

What type of website do you need?

The first step in answering this question is to understand what type of site you are looking for. Are you planning on using the website primarily as an online store or will it be used more as an informational resource? Do you want the new website design to be customizable with advanced features, or should it be simple and straightforward? Answering these questions can help narrow down the type of website that is best suited for your needs.

Once you have a better idea of what kind of website is needed, it’s time to consider what functionality and features should be included in the new design. Does your business require customer support, e-commerce integration, content management systems, forums or blogs? In addition to adding features and functionalities, designers must also consider how users will interact with each page on the site. Will the user experience be consistent across devices such as mobile phones and tablets? Ensuring user experience is taken into account during the design process can help make sure visitors have a smooth journey when navigating through different pages and sections on your redesigned website.

What is the budget for your website redesign?

If you’re planning to redesign your website, it’s important to establish a budget for your project. Without a budget in place, it can be difficult to determine how much money and time should be allocated for the different elements of the website’s design. Knowing that figure up front will give you an idea of which design options are available, and whether you need to outsource certain tasks or keep them in-house. A good budget also allows marketers and designers to work together more effectively and with better coordination in order to develop features that meet both your financial requirements as well as the desired outcome. Ask yourself what your budget is for your website project – this single question has immense power when it comes to achieving success with your web redesign efforts.

What key elements should your website include?

When you’re redesigning your website, it’s important to think about the functions and elements that should be included in order to meet your goals. Asking “What key elements and functions should my website include?” can help you figure out which features will enable users to interact with your site in the best way possible. This could include making sure that webpages are designed to load quickly, setting up secure payment options, adding a search function so visitors can find what they’re looking for easily, adding social sharing buttons to pages so users can spread content organically, optimizing the site for mobile usage, ensuring basic functionality such as contact forms works properly, creating an easy-to-navigate menu system, or any other elements or functions that you feel would make your website stand out from the competition. By asking this question before starting the website redesign process, you’ll set yourself up for success.

What type of look and feel do you want your website to have?

Have you ever been to a website that just didn’t feel right? Maybe it was too busy, the navigation was confusing, or it had a design that felt outdated. When redesigning your website, an important question to ask yourself is: what type of look and feel do you want your website to have?

It’s essential to consider how a user will experience your website on both desktop and mobile devices. That means thinking about page layouts, font sizes, color schemes, and other factors. You should make sure that your website feels modern and intuitive, as this will help attract new visitors.

By taking the time to figure out what type of look and feel you want for your website, you can ensure that its design is well-suited for its purpose. Furthermore, by creating a visually pleasing design, you can increase the likelihood that people will find it appealing enough to stay and explore further.

Creating an effective design for your website isn’t easy but with some planning and thoughtfulness you can create an online presence that resonates with your target audience. Asking yourself “what type of look and feel do I want my website to have?” is a great way to begin the process.

Who is the target audience for your website?

Asking yourself “who is your target audience?” is fundamental when it comes to redesigning your website. Knowing who you are designing for will allow you to tailor the website’s look and feel, content, and overall accessibility to match the needs of your intended visitor.

Your target audience should dictate many of your design decisions such as color schemes, font sizes, and page layouts. The language used on the website should be appropriate to the audience as well. By doing this, you can ensure that people who land on your website feel comfortable in navigating it and engaging with its content.

In addition, if you know who your target audience is, you can create a design that resonates with them on an emotional level. This is important because it encourages people to explore further, stay longer on the website, and potentially take an action like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

Designing an effective website requires a lot of research and planning but knowing who your target audience is should always be at the heart of those efforts. Asking yourself “who is my target audience?” when redesigning your website can go a long way towards success in online endeavors.

How quickly does the website need to be completed, launched, and online?

Developing and launching a new website requires careful planning when it comes to timelines and expectations. Knowing the goals of the project, such as what type of functionality is desired, how quickly it needs to be completed and launched, any necessary resources available for completion, etc., are all essential for success. Additionally, having a timeline in place that outlines each task associated with the design process helps ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal. This includes setting deadlines for tasks such as content creation, coding and testing, so that there are no gaps in information when it comes time to launch. Following these steps will help make sure a project is completed on time and according to plan.

Are there examples of existing sites that you like and want to use as examples?

When you’re redesigning your website, it’s important to consider examples of existing sites that can serve as inspiration for the look and feel you want to create. Asking “Are there examples of existing sites that I like and want to use as an example?” can help you get creative ideas on how to improve the design of your website. Such examples might include colors, font styles, layout elements, or even animations. Looking at how other websites have been structured or designed can inspire unique ideas that could help make your website stand out from the competition and give users a smoother user experience. By asking this question before beginning your website redesign process, you’ll be able to find fresh ways to create a successful site with lasting appeal.


Gaining a comprehensive understanding of what you need and want from your website before the design process begins can save time, effort, and money down the road. Asking questions such as “What type of design do I need?” or “What is the desired outcome?” allows everyone involved in the project to focus directly on creating something that meets your expectations. It’s much easier to troubleshoot any issues that may arise during development if you know exactly who’s responsible for each task, what features will be included in the redesign, and how long it will take. Understanding why these questions are important is essential for a successful website redesign. We hope this blog has given you clarity into the type of questions you should be asking when getting your website redesigned to ensure that everything goes smoothly throughout the process.

If you are need a Kitchener website design company to help you with your project, reach out to us. We’d love to connect, discuss your project, and offer you a quote.


Picture of Mark Hallman

Mark Hallman

Mark works with business to engage their audiences online via targeted marketing campaigns, conversion based websites, and ongoing measurement and optimization.

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