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Give Them a Place to Land! Eight Great Landing Page Design Tips

Lead generation and conversion requires landing page design that captures attention and leads. Learn how to create the right place for customers to land.

You only have 10 seconds to make a strong first impression when someone visits your website. Otherwise, that visitor might leave, impacting the success of your digital marketing strategy. Your bounce rate could rise, hurting your search engine rankings, too. 

About two in three people prefer reading beautifully designed website content. Meanwhile, design can impact your brand’s credibility as well. If your website design is lacking, it could hurt your business.

Instead, consider these eight tips for effective landing page design. With these tips, you can impress your target audience.

You can encourage more people to interact with your brand and convert on the page. You could generate more leads and sales as a result.

Set your digital marketing strategy up for success. Improve your landing pages with these eight simple tips today.

1. Improve the UX

About 88% of people won’t return to a website after having a bad experience. Another 70% of businesses fail due to bad usability, too. Unfortunately, only 55% of businesses conduct user experience (UX) testing.

A negative user experience could scare visitors away from your landing pages. It won’t matter how eye-catching your landing page design looks. You need to consider how the pages function, too.

Improving the user experience will keep people exploring your content. You could have an easier time directing people to convert. Better UI and UX could improve conversion rates by 200% and 400%, respectively. 

Otherwise, a negative UX could impact your brand’s reputation. In fact, 44% of shoppers will tell friends about a bad online experience. 

Don’t let it come to that! Instead, look for ways to improve your website design UX.

Run your website through Google’s Core Web Vitals tool. Google’s Core Web Vitals focus on user-centric ranking factors. If you appeal to the Core Web Vitals, you’re creating a positive user experience.

Otherwise, improve the UX by:

  • Making sure the navigation is easy to use
  • Maintaining brand consistency
  • Boosting page load times
  • Adding a chatbot
  • Improving your forms
  • Adding negative space
  • Adding an SSL certificate

If you’re struggling to improve your landing page design UX, work with an experienced web design and development company. They can improve your landing pages to ensure visitors are happy.

Providing an easy, convenient user experience can benefit your brand’s reputation. It could help you generate more leads, too. 

2. Maintain Focus

As you start creating landing pages for your digital marketing campaigns, make sure each page has a singular purpose.

What action do you want visitors to complete on the page? Why does the page exist?

If you don’t understand the page’s purpose, customers won’t either. They might leave feeling confused. You might lose a lead as a result.

Instead, make sure each landing page benefits your digital marketing strategy. Maintain focus using the headline, copy, imagery, and call to action. 

Keep visitors focused on completing a single action. Then, direct them to complete that action through your content and messaging. 

3. Speed Up

Many website users expect a maximum of two seconds of loading time for each webpage. That’s on the slow end! Nearly 40% of people will stop engaging with slow websites, too.

Run your website through Google’s PageSpeed Insights. Determine what’s causing your pages to lag behind.

You might need to update your hosting or compress images.

Make sure your site loads quickly on mobile and desktop versions of your site. If people start leaving, your bounce rate will rise. You might struggle to reach customers in the future.

4. Make Sure You’re Mobile

Don’t forget to run your website through Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test as well. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile devices, it could hurt your search engine rankings. In fact, Google now uses mobile-first indexing to determine rankings. 

If your website isn’t optimized, work with an experienced web design and development team.

Having mobile-optimized pages can benefit your search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. Otherwise, your local SEO and Google Ads rankings might drop. You might struggle to reach customers online.

5. Maintain Security

Does “HTTPS” appear in front of your website’s domain name? If not, it’s time to consider getting an SSL certificate. Otherwise, consumers might not trust your website.

Having an SSL certificate can encourage more people to trust you. They might decide to start shopping from your secure online store.

Otherwise, you could leave visitors (and your business) vulnerable to hackers.

6. Write Compelling Copy

As you start improving your landing page design, consider your page copy.

Make sure your headline is focused and conveys the page’s purpose. Use strong verbs and powerful adjectives, too. Strong, compelling copy can encourage more people to take action.

If your copy is lacking, people might leave feeling uninspired.

Look at the copy you’re using for your call to action buttons, too. Does the text convey urgency? Consider the verbs you’re using as well.

Make sure your call to action is short, clear, and concise.  

7. Establish Credibility

Establishing your credibility can boost brand trust. If people trust you, they might feel more compelled to shop from you. You could have an easier time generating leads and sales as brand trust grows.

Establish your credibility by adding social proof to your website. For example, you can use a plugin to feed your Google reviews to the page. Adding Google My Business reviews to your landing pages can benefit your local SEO, too. 

8. Add Conversion Opportunities

Once you make these updates to your website design, consider how people convert on the page.

For example, consider using forms, pop-ups, buttons, and chatbots on your pages.

Adding more than one conversion opportunity can make it easier for visitors to convert. Otherwise, they might not realize what action to complete.

Look at your forms. Make sure they’re short and easy to fill out. If there are too many fields, people might give up halfway.

Keep Converting: 8 Elements for Effective Landing Page Design

Ready to boost your business and generate more conversions than ever before? Give these landing page designs tips a try. With these tips, you can improve the UX on your site and boost your digital marketing strategy. 

Then, you can generate more leads and sales to set your business up for success.

Need help improving your digital marketing strategy? We’re here to lend a hand. 

Contact us today to get started.


Picture of Mark Hallman

Mark Hallman

Mark works with business to engage their audiences online via targeted marketing campaigns, conversion based websites, and ongoing measurement and optimization.

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