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Google Ads – How to Boost Your eCommerce

Most eCommerce businesses are familiar with Google Adwords. However, correctly using this tool to maximize sales can be difficult. Read more to learn how.

Most eCommerce businesses are familiar with Google Ads. However, correctly using this tool to maximize sales and gain a positive return on your investment can be difficult.

In this article, we’re going to explore 5 basic tips to help you boost your eCommerce sales using Google Ads. For more articles like this, be sure to check out our blog. To learn more about the power of digital marketing, contact us today.

1. Use Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping Ads are a powerful tool for helping you boost sales. To set them up, you’ll first need a Google Merchant account.

From your account you’ll be able to provide Google with a product feed or, if you use a platform such as Shopify, you’ll be able to create this feed using a Google Shopping plugin.

Google will automatically display the products within this feed to users based on the keywords they search for. Unfortunately, you can’t choose the keywords to target; Google will do this automatically based on it’s own data.

By using this feature, you’ll be able to directly market your products to customers who are already looking to buy. In turn, you’ll have a better chance of generating click-throughs, and ultimately have a better chance of generating a sale.

2. Use Remarketing

Remarketing is another important Google Ads tool to help you generate more eCommerce conversions because it allows you to build a long-term relationship between you and your customers.

Users are generally quick to forget about your brand once they’ve navigated away from your website. This is a big problem, especially when users browse the web and search for various products/services.

However, through remarketing you’re able to continue marketing to users with creative ads and in turn, build your brand over time. That way, when a customer decides to make a purchase, you have a higher chance that they’ll return back to your site.

Remarketing is easy to install. All you’ll need to do is install a remarketing tag on the relevant pages of your site. Google offers a full tutorial on how to set up your remarketing tags, we recommend you start there.

3. Use Symbols And Numbers In Your Ads

This tip may seem overly simple, but it is so often overlooked that we believe it deserves a honorable mention in this list.

There’s been a lot of hype around the trend of using numbers and symbols in headlines for your content, and the same is true for using numbers and symbols in your ad copy.

This is because our brains are automatically attracted to numbers in text because they allow us to automatically organize things into a logical order. They also add substance to your ad copy and promise your customers something specific.

While we don’t promise that you’ll instantly reel in thousands of dollars of profits by simply adding some digits to your ad copy, we highly suggest you give this tip a try along with other Google Ads techniques and track your conversions to see if you’re successful.

4. Use Seller Rating Extensions

Seller ratings are an automated extension type that showcase advertisers with high ratings. Seller ratings, which appear below text ads, help people find businesses that offer quality services. Seller ratings can help advertisers improve their ad performance and have a better chance at earning qualified leads.

By showcasing your seller rating, you’re showing your customers that your brand can and should be trusted. This is especially powerful for businesses that are actively gaining customer feedback have a large number of reviews.

5. Set Up Conversion Tracking

Our last tip for using Google Ads to boost your eCommerce sales is all about tracking.

Conversion tracking allows you to get up-to-date data on online store and link these back to the exact keywords, ads and campaigns that your customers have responded to before buying.

This allows you to see which ads are drawing in the most sales and use this data to adapt your strategy in the future. It also allows you to see which ads aren’t performing well and adjust them as well.

Best of all, setting up conversion tracking is free and simple. Read the support documents from Google to learn how to do this yourself.

To learn more about the power of digital marketing or to get started with Google Ads, contact us today.


Picture of Mark Hallman

Mark Hallman

Mark works with business to engage their audiences online via targeted marketing campaigns, conversion based websites, and ongoing measurement and optimization.

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