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Why Local Store Marketing Is Essential

Do you own a local store or a small business? If so, you have unique marketing needs. Here's why you should focus on local store marketing.

Did you know 72% of consumers that performed a local search visited the business within 8 kilometers?

Are you successfully implementing local store marketing for your business?

If you own a local store or a small business, then these tips are for you. Keep reading, and we’ll tell you why you should focus on local store marketing.

What is Local Store Marketing? 

Local store marketing is as simple as being about your neighborhood, being locally relevant, and driving sales. 

Local marketing means focusing your marketing in a close geographical area around your business. This helps your company stay top of mind with your local consumers.

When using a local strategy, your employees within that location have better insights into the consumer base. This allows you to tailor your marketing campaigns based on area trends. Your business can then connect with customers individually through one-on-one events, social media engagement, and even online search results.  

You should consider this approach if you want your business to be locally relevant. In return, you will have targeted engagement to continue growing in your local marketplace.

Benefits of Implementing a Local Store Marketing Plan

There are so many benefits when it comes to building up your local store marketing. Some of our favorite benefits include:

  • Brand awareness
  • Digital accessibility 
  • Personalized experience
  • Local SEO
  • Cost-effective

Every company develops a brand that is vital to their businesses success. Brand awareness is probably one of the most important reasons to implement local marketing. Marketing, after all, is creating brand awareness and converting prospects into loyal customers.

When your company has implemented local marketing efforts, their store, restaurant, or small business, they become recognized around town without even trying. 

It’s no secret that we live in a digital world. Social media makes local marketing even easier. You can use geo-targeting tools, tagging capabilities, and so much more. 

When your business has an online presence and engages with users online, you will stay relevant to consumers in the area. They are much likelier to become customers if they feel like they are being listened to. When they see your company engaging, listening, and communicating online, they will.

Along with social media helping your online presence, optimizing for local SEO also helps you with online searches. If you optimize your website and tailor it to local specifications, you’re more likely to receive a higher search result ranking. You can achieve this by choosing keywords, photos, and content that capture your business and local interests. 

Tailoring your site to local searches will help you narrow in on realistic potential customers and not just clicks. 

A local store marketing plan is much more effective than trying to execute something state or nationwide. You can utilize free sites like Yelp!, Facebook or Google to generate positive reviews then use them in other areas of your marketing strategy. 

Finally, local marketing sets you apart by creating a personalized experience for your target audience. Local marketing helps you cultivate meaningful relationships with your customers in-person, over social media, and so much more, which usually results in better business. 

How to Implement Local Store Marketing Tactics

Did you know you’re not on your own when it comes to implementing tactics to help with local marketing? Services like Evergreen help provide expert advice and services that will help you connect with your customers and achieve your business goals. 

Some of the things Evergreen can help your business with are:

  • Website design
  • Branding and messaging
  • Lead and customer generation
  • Reputation management
  • Google my business
  • Google maps listings
  • Locally optimized websites

When talking about local marketing efforts, specifically, we are going to focus on the first four of the above services. 

First off, customer reviews can determine if your online reputation sinks or swims. You can use software to help your business receive positive reviews and manage customer experiences. This can help avoid customers from leaving potentially harmful reviews.

Next up is Google and its suite of tools.

Google accounts for 80% of all search traffic, so why wouldn’t you want your business to have a Google listing? Setting up a full Google My Business listing lets your business show up in more local searches and provides all information a potential customer could be looking for. 

Google Maps Listings is also another Google tool you can utilize. A lot of people use Google Maps as a search engine for businesses near them. It’s becoming increasingly more important to show up in the local map listings. You can even implement Google Ads to get you to the top of searches on the map.

Finally, as we mentioned in the last section, local marketing is directly tied in with SEO and optimized websites. All website traffic unique. It’s important to focus on local customers who will turn into repeat customers instead of one-time customers.

A properly optimized website will help your business show up in the local search engine results and help you connect to the website traffic with the most customer conversion potential.

Are You Ready to Implement Your Local Store Marketing Plan?

Local and small businesses often have unique sets of marketing needs that require special attention. Tailoring your marketing to local searches and customers is essential for your business to succeed. 

If you are looking for help with local store marketing, website design, or even branding, Evergreen is ready to be your personal team of marketing experts. Contact us today and get started making your local impact today. 


Picture of Mark Hallman

Mark Hallman

Mark works with business to engage their audiences online via targeted marketing campaigns, conversion based websites, and ongoing measurement and optimization.

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