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4 Signs Your Business Needs A New Digital Marketing Campaign

Digital marketing is one of the most important ways for businesses to maximize their reach and growth. Here are 4 signs you need a new digital marketing campaign.

Digital marketing is fast becoming one of the most important ways for businesses to maximize their reach and growth. No matter how big your company, you simply can’t expect to make a big impact in your industry without a strong online presence.

However, finding the right way to build that presence is not always easy. Run a quick search for “digital marketing tips” in Google and you’ll find thousands of blog articles pitching hundreds of different strategies, each one promising more success than the last. In turn, most companies end up trialing an endless combination of these tips until they find something that seems to work for them.

But how do you know when it’s time to toss one idea and move on to the other? In this article we’ll explore 4 tell tale signs that you need to update your digital marketing campaign.

You’re Not Reaching Your Target Audience

One of the biggest things that sets digital marketing apart from traditional marketing approaches is the level of local connections a business can strike with its customers. Nowadays, you have the potential to track your target customers, get to know them and their interests like never before, and then use that information to build a lasting relationship with them.

If you’re struggling to reach your target audience and begin building these relationships, it’s time you switch up your marketing approach ASAP. This may include getting SEO experts, or digital marketing strategists involved to show an impact.

You’re Not Converting Leads

Digital marketing is all about lead generation and conversions; at the end of the day you want more people to know about your business and, more importantly, you want to turn those people into a sales opportunity, contact, or something similar.

If you’re managing to generate plenty of leads but you can’t seem to convert them, it’s time to step back tot the drawing board and see what’s going wrong. Think about the CTAs on your site, the content you’re publishing, or the audience/keywords you’re targeting. Any one, or any combination of these could be the cause of your problem.

Whatever its causes, poor lead conversion is a telltale sign that it’s time to update your digital marketing strategy.

You’re Obsessing About Viral Content

Content marketers fascinate about “going viral.” And why wouldn’t they? Producing a story that generates hundreds-of-thousands of likes, shares, comments, and clicks is what any business dreams of, right? Well, not necessarily.

Clicks to your website are only beneficial if they’re relevant. Hence, while it sounds great to say “one of our Facebook posts just reached 200,000 people,” there are small chances all of those clicks are relevant to the products/service you’re selling.

Actually, high amounts of irrelevant traffic can generate high bounce rates, which can have negative impacts on your site’s ranking in search. So, if you’re content approach is all about going viral, it’s time to revisit your digital marketing strategy and start putting quality over quantity.

You’re All About Social

We’ve all heard about the importance of social media for digital marketing. If you haven’t, do a quick Google search and you’ll find enough content to keep you busy for the next year.

However, there is a lot of debate about how important social interactions are for generating leads and conversions.

Digital marketing involves much more than just creating a Facebook page and sharing cat pictures. To be successful you need to have a comprehensive approach that includes everything from custom content solutions to SEO and PPC.

To learn more about effective digital marketing and to update your strategy band and start seeing real results, contact us today. For more posts like this, make sure to follow our blog regularly.


Picture of Mark Hallman

Mark Hallman

Mark works with business to engage their audiences online via targeted marketing campaigns, conversion based websites, and ongoing measurement and optimization.

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